Get one step ahead future QOL anti-ageing treatment!
Humankind’s long-held wish, it is “eternal youth and longevity”.
No living being is free from the cycle of birth and ageing.
Humankind has, since ancient times, been searching for eternal youth and longevity.
With science and technology developing, various technologies and materials have been created, but actually the answer lies within our bodies.
The exosomes used at our clinic are human-derived substances, acting in intercellular communication as messengers,
and naturally exist in the human body, expected to play active roles in various fields such as cancer treatment.
The exosomes carry, in the nano world, messages to wake up your body, which is thereby rejuvenated.。
Please experience future QOL anti-ageing treatment that fulfills humankind’s long-held wish, one step ahead, at the Collège Clinic The Peninsula Tokyo.
*QOL=Quality of life


Academic Background and Career
March 1984 Graduation from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
June 1984 Starting of Working in Teikyo University Hospital Department of Otorhinolaryngology
April 1988 Saitama Prefectural Children’s Medical Center, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical Director
September 1993 Acquisition of the Doctorate in Medicine
November 1993 Collège de France, the Neurosensory Physiology Laboratory of the CNRS Department of Physiology of Perception and Action (Department Head: Alain Berthoz), Reseacher
May 1998 Lecturer in Teikyo University School of Medicine Department of Otorhinolaryngology
July 2006 Assistant Professor in Teikyo University School of Medicine Department of Otorhinolaryngology
April 2007 Associate Professor in Teikyo University School of Medicine Department of Otorhinolaryngology
September 2008 Collège de France, the Neurosensory Physiology Laboratory of the CNRS Department of Physiology of Perception and Action (Department Head: Alain Berthoz), Visiting Professor
September 2008 Medical Corporation Sankokai Shibuya Femmy ORL, Director
September 2009 Ginza Collège ORL, Director
January 2023 Collège Clinic The Peninsula Tokyo, Director
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research, Councilor
Japan Audiological Society, Committee of Health Insurance Medicine, Member
Specialist Qualifications
Certified Medical Specialist of the JORL-HNS
Certified Medical Specialist of the Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Member of the Medical Laser Association of Japan (NPO)
Member of the Bárány Society (the International Society for Neuro-otology)

OUR CLINICWith Human-Derived Exosomes to Solve Patients’ Problems
Our clinic is a specialised clinic, using domestically manufactured human-derived exosomes (stem cell culture supernatant) and the latest lasers, for solving problems that occur due to ageing.
In infusion or local injection, stem cell-derived exosomes, promoting angiogenesis, regenerate and repair malfunctioned tissues, thereby improving problems that are occurring due to ageing, which can be expected.
College clinicthe Dummy Log
PIA’s Original 3D Culture
Using not planar but 3D culture, i.e. placing in a harsh environment and stimulating, thereby enabling secretion of strong ingredients, therefore they can produce a highly concentrated culture supernatant.
Made in Japan / Japanese Donors
Selecting Japanese female donors and culturing at a domestic cell processing facility (CPC), i.e. manufacturing and managing completely domestically, they can achieve both high quality and safety.
The supernatant is, immediately after production, freeze-dried, therefore, without quality deterioration, 100% intact.
Our clinic is situated in a hotel near the Kokyo Gaien National Garden, the Peninsula Tokyo.
The Peninsula Tokyo, in 2022, was, in a prestigious US magazine “Forbes Travel Guide 2022”, awarded the highest rank of 5 stars consecutively for seven years in the “hotel category” and eight years in the “spa category”.
Please, in a highly traditional and prestigious hotel The Peninsula Tokyo, experience the latest and greatest treatments.